It provides access to wide range of services that improve the quality of life of users. Offering meal & food vouchers, seasonal gifting, training, incentive programs and rewards, wellness and well-being programs, mobility and expense management.

How to enable Javascript? Your browser doesn't seem to support Javascript. We believe quality of life helps to keep people healthy, happy & motivated throughout life.

Sodexo Group HQ. WasteWatch is a new project from Sodexo with which they step up the fight against food waste and climate change. For which product would you like to receive an offer?

Request an offer More info We believe it helps organisations to be more efficient and productive.

Sodexo Pass GmbH – Lyoner Straße 9 – 60528 Frankfurt am Main – Hier geht es zu den Sodexo Essensgutscheinen, Sodexo Benefits Prepaid-Karten und Lösungen für den öffentlichen Dienst.

Beheer uw dienstencheques en prestaties op een snelle een eenvoudige manier dankzij onze app ! Lunch Pass. Inchide Felicitari, ! Beheer uw dienstencheques en prestaties op een snelle een eenvoudige manier dankzij onze app ! Contul tau a fost completat cu informatii despre cardul tau de masa. Creeaza un cont nou. Sodexo Belgium NV - BE 0407.246.778 - Brussel Consult contact data, management and financial key figures for Sodexo Belgium from Brussel. Sodexo Employee Benefits and rewards. Te rugam sa validezi cardul tau de masa accesand butonul de mai jos. Bine ai venit! Request an offer More info. Or for other companies in the sector Facility management. Lunch Pass can be used for a meal or to buy ready-to-eat foodstuffs in an extensive network of restaurants and supermarkets in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. For Sodexo it's a mission. Validity of the vouchers : Validity period from minimum three months and maximum 15 months. Pentru a-ti accesa contul, te rugam sa introduci datele de mai jos: 255 Quai de la Bataille de Stalingrad - 92130 Issy les Moulineaux FRANCE +49 (0) 69 73996 - 0 Daca intampini probleme la confirmarea cardului, contacteaza departamentul de relatii cu clientii la sau la (disponibil Luni-Duminica intre orele 07:00 - 22:00, tarif normal) si te vom ajuta cu cea mai mare placere. Nimic mai simplu: creeaza-ti unul, rapid si usor! Nu ai un cont Sodexo? Sodexo’s eco voucher. Eco Pass. Sodexo’s Benefits and Rewards Services help employers unlock their people’s potential and move their business forward. Childcare by Sodexo. Your username will either be the full email address or the unique name you created when you registered with Sodexo

Sodexo targets a zero food waste Food solution by weighing food waste in production kitchens and consumer plate waste. Sodexo’s meal voucher. Please enable Javascript to ensure correct functioning of this website.

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