1-3, 4040 Linz/Urfahr Contact: !

Prunerstraße 3a, 4020 Linz +43 732 78 23 90-05 Website

Gründbergheim Linz. With the Donaulände right on the doorstep, you can cycle or walk along one of the most beautiful paths. STUDENTENHEIM PETRINUM Petrinumstraße 12, 4040 Linz / Urfahr Contact Ms Maria Scheuchenegger , Katholische Hochschulgemeinde Linz, Mengerstraße 23, 4040 Linz Phone: +43 (0) 732 244011 - 52 E-Mail: betrieb@m2.khg.jku.at Website: www.khg-linz.at ----- EVANGELISCHES STUDENTENHEIM LINZ ‚Dietrich Bonhoeffer‘ Julius-Raab-Str. For example, the tram takes only three minutes to get to Linz’s Hauptplatz, and in just twelve minutes you’re at Johannes Kepler University (JKU).

Dark room, internet, party room, bicycle storage, parking, communal kitchen, laundry room, TV room, telephone Dr. Ernst Koref Haus. Just across the street from the property is the LentiaCity shopping centre with its many eateries, restaurants and shops. JKU / INTLAW / News & Events / Exam Training Public International Law Exam Training Public International Law The Exam Training Public International Law will take place at the "Petrinum". Leonfelderstraße 116a–118a, 4040 Linz +43 732 70 16 90-200 Website.

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