Zoom is used by over 500,000 customer organizations and is #1 in customer satisfaction.
One of them is how this review automatically put the first sentence in and had it default at 5 stars, I do not appreciate you guys trying to force your opinions about yourself on to us, the people who use and rely on this app. See the table below for a comparison of features between the Zoom desktop client, mobile app, and web client.
Click "Meet Now" to start a meeting.
Dove scaricare Zoom. Zoom Meetings is a video conferencing tool with recording and screen sharing features. Pur essendo nato come applicativo web, Zoom è disponibile come software da installare su qualunque dispositivo, indifferentemente che sia un PC o uno smartphone. Configure your room on the Zoom web portal, 2. Install this app on your Android tablet, 4. Questa app permette agli utenti di connettersi via PC o smartphone e partecipare a videoconferenze, webinar, corsi online e tanto altro.
Zoom Rooms are easy to set up: 1. Zoom Glitches happen nearly never, better than FaceTime. I have a few complaints.
Install the Zoom Rooms application on a Mac or PC, 3.
Zoom è una piattaforma cloud che offre strumenti per videoconferenze.
Overview. Zoom is the leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, chat, and webinars across mobile, desktop, and room systems. Easily connect to participants on mobile devices, desktops, and other rooms.
Stay connected wherever you go – start or join a 100-person meeting with crystal-clear, face-to-face video, high quality screen sharing, and instant messaging – for free!
It lets you manage contacts of your friends, colleagues, etc., and invite them to your meeting using a Zoom meeting URL; they can join the meeting by simply visiting the link.
Oltre alla piattaforma per browser, infatti, è possibile scaricare Zoom gratis come client per Windows, per macOS, per Linux e come app per Android e iOS. Zoom è uno strumento per Windows che puoi utilizzare per chiamate e videoconferenze di alta qualità.
Inoltre, le possibilità di trasmissione sono enormi, sia per la persona che trasmette che per chi sta guardando. A differenza di Skype, non richiede la creazione di una lista di contatti interni al programma: per iniziare una call è sufficiente condividere il link all’ambiente virtuale che la ospita e, utilizzandolo, chiunque potrà prendere parte alla videoconferenza usando l’app di Zoom su smartphone e tablet, il client di Zoom sul computer o la sua versione Web.
Award winning Zoom brings video conferencing, online meetings and group messaging into one easy-to-use application. Zoom Rooms is the original software-based conference room solution used around the world in board, conference, huddle, and training rooms, as well as executive offices and classrooms.
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